FAQs About Funding and Other Support

Who created the iConquerMS™ initiative?

iConquerMS™ was started by the Accelerated Cure Project for MS, a nonprofit organization with proven experience developing and sharing resources with MS researchers worldwide. Other organizations have partnered with ACP to make the iConquerMS™ vision a reality.

What other organizations are supporting iConquerMS™?

Who is funding the iConquerMS™ initiative?

The funding to establish the iConquerMS People-Powered Research Network and to maintain its infrastructure and operations from early 2014 until the end of March, 2019, was provided by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), an independent, nonprofit organization authorized by Congress in 2010. In addition to the initial funding from PCORI, the infrastructure, operations and participation of iConquerMS in research projects and innovations has been funded by:

  • The National MS Society
  • The Italian MS Society
  • Support associated with research studies
  • Unrestricted grants from medical product companies
  • Donations