FAQs About Your Involvement

How are people living with MS involved with iConquerMS™?

People living with MS are involved with every aspect of iConquerMS™, from the governance of the initiative, to ideas for research, to design and content of the website, to communications, and so on. People with MS are the heart and soul of iConquerMS™.

If I join iConquerMS™, what am I committing to?

We ask that you continue to share your information by completing surveys on the site. You are free to skip surveys or to withdraw at any time.

How can my organization get involved with iConquerMS™?

We welcome all organizations that wish to be involved. Please contact the Accelerated Cure Project for MS at (844) 897-1211 or by using our online form.

Can my family and friends join iConquerMS™?

Yes, they can. While our primary goal is the collection of information from people living with MS, we welcome information from your family and friends.

Your family and friends can also help MS research in other ways.

How can I contribute suggestions for improving iConquerMS™?

How often will I receive updates from iConquerMS™?

You will receive updates from us periodically, for example, when there is a new survey, important news, and/or research findings.

Can my medical providers join iConquerMS™?

Your medical provider can participate by helping to spread the word about this initiative—please feel free to ask medical providers to contact Accelerated Cure Project for MS at (781) 487-0008.

Your provider may also sign up to contribute information as a participant.