How effective are available or emerging treatments or medications in treating and preventing vertigo / equilibrium issues in MS?
Why does high temperatures (70 degrees or higher) have a very significant on the physical (and often times mental) functions of a person with MS?
Do MS patients who came down with COVID and took Paxlovid have less of a chance of a MS flare-up than MS patients who had COVID and didn’t take Paxlovid?
How might the COVID-19 vaccine contribute to the onset or exacerbation of autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, particularly in regions where MS is less prevalent, such as Ecuador?
What percentage of MS doctors routinely check for latent viral reactivation in addition to bacterial infections when assessing patients whose symptoms are progressing? What factors influence doctors to perform this check or not to perform it?
What are the key deficiencies of knee-ankle-foot orthoses (KAFOs) in terms of comfort and compatibility, and how can advanced design techniques be applied to improving their usability by people with MS?
What is the effect of Biotin (vitamin B7) on improvements in fatigue for males diagnosed with progressive MS?